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UTCT Radio: Songs For February

UTCT Radio:
Songs For February

“Gorgeous” by Muhsinah

Chéri’s Take:

This song is like a warm breath of fresh air. Enjoy a celebration of a beautiful connection, the moment of admiring the beauty of yourself with the one you love. It gives lighthearted vulnerability with an awesome balance of the bounce of the instruments’ groove, while the lyrics stand in the beautiful truth of how much this person means to you. I always love songs that feel immersed in one moment, just a pure moment of presence. The lyrics are so simple, but they feel sincere in the marriage between the music and the vocals, celebrating this open space of expression. This is about being present enough in one’s joy and safety, inspired to just admire the beauty of life with that person, beauty far beyond the physical.

Favorite Lyric:

“Ooh, just gorgeous

You make me feel like no one’s here but us

You’re my favorite place to be

When the world bothers me”

I love this transition from the chorus to the second verse. For me, it solidifies that what makes this pair “gorgeous” is beyond a beautiful face or physique but a sense of comfort and authenticity.

UTCT Reminder:

Take a moment to admire the beauty of the love around you. Soak it in and lean into those who make you feel seen and safe, whether spiritually, emotionally, or otherwise. That’s the stuff of life.

“Heaven” by Tierra Whack

Chéri’s Take:

Similar to some of the work on the “Surrender” EP, this song gives voice to grief. It cleverly chocolate-coats the raw feeling of wanting to join your loved ones in heaven. It does it with style without going too deep by judging or labeling what it feels like but states the truth plainly enough to help you admit and feel whatever it is you feel about those you love being in heaven. I have plenty of feelings that come up around my grief, and this song has a way of unlocking my tears at times that I may not have known I needed to let them out.

Favorite Lyric:

“I wanna go there (high)

I wanna go there

And do a show there (high)

I wanna go there (high)”

To me, this is the “meat” of the song. I find it bold to admit that you want to go to heaven, and so tasteful and endearing to say that you want to perform there. It brings such a humbling sweetness to what feels like such a sad sentiment.

UTCT Reminder:

Hold space for your grief, your sorrow, and your desires. This circle of life goes around to everybody, and you’re not alone in whatever way your mind, body, heart, and mind respond. If no one is safe to admit difficult things to, I encourage you to journal them and admit them openly to yourself. Love yourself more deeply in return, and know that when you are transparent with your truth, the part of you feeling those things is not left alone in the shadow to process. We’ll get more into shadow work in the future.

“Not An Angel” by Tems

Chéri’s Take:

This takes the “breakup song” to transcendent heights. Another song glowing with simplicity, the lyrics share experiences that are relatable for anyone who’s had to leave any sort of relationship that was causing more harm than good. This song will have you dancing, testifying about what you’ve been through but also championing your human right to honor who you are and KNOW your self-worth. Sometimes, our growth and evolution open our eyes to new levels of truth, and that can require other changes to be made.

Favorite Lyric:

‘Cause I’m not an angel

“I’m just a girl that knows the truth

And I couldn’t save you

You couldn’t see what I’ve been through (through)”

There’s a relationship I’ve been through with someone who idealized me, lied to me, and was hurting himself in so many ways because of where his lack of self-love and mental health was. I wanted so badly to save him, but I was drowning in compounding trauma that he kept adding to with no accountability. I had to own my right to move forward and save myself, and I adore how real these lyrics feel to me.

UTCT Reminder:

You don’t have to be anything other than who and what you are to be worthy of love. The first person who needs to love you and your truth is yourself. Letting go of a relationship that is not healthy for you can be crucial for your well-being. You’re allowed to be confident and dance when letting go, even if it’s hard.

“Human” by

Chéri’s Take:

This delicious take on masculine sexuality toward the feminine draws you in with an invitation to share in authentic human intimacy. The personal sentiment of “I want you to be human” invites the person to be vulnerable, honest, and free to experience whatever this shelter of dancing shadows has to offer. It’s sexy, subtle, sultry, and refreshing to the ear.

Favorite Lyric:

“I parted the ocean to find you

Jumped from your Venus to your moon

Left a trail of tears to flow into your soul

And I am yours to choose.”

Tell me that’s not sexy. I’m seeing “your Venus” as that lil divine feminine corner of the universe between her legs, and the moon as well… the divine round back of her, if you will. The waters he leaves flow into her soul, and I adore the poetic imagery in ALL OF THAT. The “I am yours to choose” amplifies the power he wants to share in this space of freedom with her; he wants to be chosen. OK, CONSENSUALITY!

UTCT Reminder:

We are sensual and sexual beings, and that is not separate from our healing journey either. Intimacy is part of how language, development, and how we connect. How can you allow yourself to be vulnerable, honest, and free with those around you? What does that type of intimacy look like for you? I invite you to hold space for asking these questions and exploring your truth whenever the topic comes up for you.

“Good Morning Love” by Common and Samara Pinderhughes

Chéri’s Take:

This song provides an organic ambiance from the lens of a Black man connecting with his community while on a journey of seeing the divine nature of himself and other melanated people. I love the many reflections of his journey as he makes multiple references to his spiritual path, therapy, and personal takes and questions about what the future holds for the people. The chorus is meditative, and whether someone is a believer in the same God as Common or not, one can find solace in how the personal grounding back to a source of enlightenment, safety, and strength is manifest in the music’s gently grounding rhythm and soothing vocals of the singer. The song offers humility and empowerment side by side, which is just the kind of reality-based contrast I love to see.

Favorite Lyric: 

“Many many times from mistakes, I ran

But I’m just a cake, let me bake, goddamn

I pray I don’t forsake my man

And whenever I fall, on faith, I land

Imperfections, resurrections

In the mirror staring at God’s reflection

Reflecting on my aggressions

On my regressions, on my obsessions

There’s a lesson in not feeling less

And in seeing life itself as a blessing”

I love the permission that these lyrics give to oneself to fail and still be worthy of evolution. It’s reflected in translating that same grace to others, understanding that none of us are perfect, and we all need to grow not just from owning the mistakes but also from recognizing the good in ourselves and acknowledging that our lives are worth living.

UTCT Reminder:

This Black History Month, my focus is on my personal evolution and learning how to embrace self-love and grace for every part of my being. Don’t shy away from your mistakes; allow yourself to stay grounded, grow, and evolve better than before. Where can you find humility and empowerment paired together to benefit your process?

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